Gloria Graham, from the series Earth Moves Shadows (4/13/2008), pigmented ink and graphite on archival paper, 24 x 37 inches
SOUTH SAN YSIDRO, NM — It had been many years since I had driven down the long dirt road to where Allan Graham (1943-2019) and Gloria Graham lived and worked. I first met Allan in 2000 when he was installing his exhibition Allan Graham/TH: As REAL as thinking at SITE Santa Fe (January 22–March 12, 2000), curated by Kathleen Shields. Robert Creeley, who learned that I was going to be in Santa Fe, said that I should go to SITE and introduce myself to Allan, which I did.
The plan was that my friend Julia Haywood and I would drive to the church in South San Ysidro, about 35 miles from Santa Fe, where we would meet Gloria and follow her car to the house and studio, which she describes as being in the “wilderness mountain” 45 minutes from Santa Fe.