Light Art: Global Exhibitions this Season

Light Organ is the collaborative invention of local artists British Jamaican Akeelah Bertram (b. 1990), Leeds-based Adam Glatherine (b. 1983) and creative technologist Simon Fletcher. “We wanted to create something uplifting and playful to encourage people to experiment and share our love of light and sound,” says Bertram. The installation consists of 40 large-scale pipes that react to sound. Visitors are invited to sing, talk and clap into microphones connected to the large-scale rods. Based on the frequency, intensity and volume of noises, the sculptural forest will light up and change colour. Each sequence of hues is unique. Throughout the winter, the venue will offer various programmes, including musicians and poets.

Featured Image: Light Organ | Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield, from 17 November

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